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11 June 2020

Test Reality Check, ITC India 2020


We are going through extraordinary times, globally and ITC India 2020 organizing committee hopes that you and your families are safe and healthy. 

As a highly adaptable society, we have very novel ways of overcoming trials – even the ones we have never faced earlier. Keeping in mind the safety and health of all of us, ITC India 2020 is going virtual. The virtual event will serve the same yearly knowledge banquet to the community with the same high-quality content electronically. Irrespective of the current situation, our aim is to continue to provide the full range of experience that ITC India has provided for the past three editions. 

As a technical community we have many avenues to publish our innovative ideas and success stories. While it is a norm for any technical work to be published and presented in its entirety, it is required to start with a problem statement, discuss the existing solutions and then expound on the novelty of their proposal. The credibility, for these solutions, is drawn from the results that prove the feasibility and practicality of the solutions. For most of test practitioners from the industry, sharing results in a format with enough details to prove the credibility is a major challenge. Confidentiality, other trade laws and corporate policies, prevent sharing of the results either in its entirety or with enough collaterals to prove relevance. TRC User Stories, will be a platform for us to learn about these solutions and the rationale that went behind solving these problems. 


Success stories are published, and innovations are patented, but debating on open problems is limited to internal platforms.  As a fraternity, we have exposure to various new challenges in test and it is intuitive to have a platform for an open debate or convergence or to collectively head towards a tangible solution. System applications, time to market, design sizes, shrinking geometry are some of the factors that influence test and test related decisions. Each of the products that must be tested comes with its own set of unique challenges but are rarely unique to one group of engineers. Being at the helm of these challenges, we see a lot of open questions, unsolved but common problems we grapple with or a new problem that potentially might affect the entire test fraternity. TRC Data Blitz sessions will be a platform where we can discuss and debate these issues – learn, teach or take back as thoughts to help with our own day to day work.


We will also engage industry thought leaders in dialogue regarding a relevant topic or a trend in the test industry. We will be able to listen to this exchange and participate as well in the panel discussion.

Let us plan to partake this banquet of knowledge, virtually and continue to march forward as a well-connected test community. I look forward to an enthusiastic participation from all of you! 

Kavitha Shankar

Kavitha Shankar

Staff Manager, Marvell Semiconductors India

Kamlesh Pandey

Kamlesh Pandey

Distinguished Engineer , Broadcom Inc.