Academia Research Track

Call For Submissions

Important Dates :


✓ Submission deadline : 13th May, 2023 – Closed
✓ Match notification : 18th June, 2023

✓ Submission deadline :
13th May, 2023
✓ Match notification :
31th May, 2023

International Test Conference, the world’s premier venue dedicated to the electronic test of devices, boards and systems, will host a dedicated Academia Research Track (ART) to manifest creative research ideas from students and young academicians. The key objective of this academia track is to provide a dedicated informal forum for vigorous creative discussion and debate of this area from researchers of various academic institutes. The aim is to encourage the oral/poster presentation with discussion on truly innovative and “out-of-the-box” ideas that may not yet have been fully developed for presentation at reviewed conferences to address these challenges. Additionally, the selected abstracts will get an opportunity to be published in IEEE Explore along with ITC main conference proceedings.

Students and young academicians are invited to submit original and high-quality research work or an innovative idea to this track. Selected ideas will interact with dedicated panel from industry to further extended the research work of common interests. ART is a platform of presenting late-breaking ideas, getting feedback on an innovative method, or participating without having to write a full paper.

Research Mentorship Program for ITC Conference 2023 is live!

Become a Mentee

Last year, the 6th Edition of International Test Conference, India, for the first time, had provided a unique platform for master’s students, research scholars and post-docs to discuss novel research ideas, publication, funding advice and career opportunities from an established practitioner/Industrial liaison within their field. For the first time, ITC India had offered a “conference-sponsored Research Mentorship Program” to assist students in finding industrial liaisons and gain valuable insights on high-impact research ideas in the area of VLSI testing, Diagnosis and Reliability.  Last year, more than 25 applications were received for this program. After proper scrutiny, 10 participants were benefited under this program and currently under the mentorship of industry professionals for their research activities. Continuing the same spirit, the 7th  Edition of International Test Conference, India is inviting the applications from the aspirants of VLSI test field. 

Why You Should Apply

  • Are you master student interested in VLSI Testing? This is your opportunity to network with industry liaisons to learn about test problems where industry is looking for solutions, and fine-tune your research objectives, based on the feedbacks.
  • Are you a research scholar/post-Doc interested in impacting industry with your ideas? Apart from establishing collaborative relationships with industry liaisons, this is your opportunity to learn about, how your area of research fits within the industrial context. This engagement will also help you evaluating your ideas on industrial designs and protecting the technology by patenting the idea based on the main guide discretion.

How It Works

  • Applicants are invited to apply via online application form.
  • Each selected candidate will be paired with at least two industrial liaisons. Over the course of the program, mentees will benefit from a series of about 8 one-on-one mentorship sessions taking place online, or in person.
  • All selected mentees will be required to attend an orientation session at the beginning of the program where they will be introduced to their liaisons. This session will also be an opportunity to learn about “best practices” in mentorship relationships, as well as other programs available through the academic research track (ART) platform, under the banner of ITC India.
  • This one-year mentoring relationship is intended for July 2023 to June 2024. will be extended based on the liaisons’ s recommendation, along with main guide discretion.
  • Mentoring conversations should focus on research advice, professional advancement, publishing/funding strategies, and facilitating contacts.
  • Mentees should not offer or be requested to carry out work for the Industrial liaisons, and the engagement should be in line with the current research focus of the mentees.
  • If appropriate and by mutual agreement, Industry liaisons may also serve as official co-guide/Research-Advisory-Committee at the main guide discretion.
  • Industrial Liaisons may be invited for in-person activities at the academic institutes for additional discussions, lectures, tutorials, and future research activities that can be explored by any of the students of the respective departments.

Additional Benefits

  • Conference Registration Fee waiver and partial or full travel support will be provided through fellowship
  • Long term engagement of faculty/departments with industry if the research areas are aligned

Selection Guidelines and Eligibility

  • Mentee awards are competitive based on the research area, industry liaison availability, and main guide recommendation.
  • Applications are open for master’s students, research scholars and post-docs who are already enrolled in their academic program of their respective departments.
  • The deadline to submit your application is Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 5PM IST
  • Match Notification: Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Note: If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]