Title: “Talent Development in Test/Validation Domains“
Abstract: The International Test Conference (India) is an excellent platform to discuss a practical problem that challenges semiconductor companies based in India, namely, the problem of talent acquisition and retention, especially in the areas of test and validation. A number of companies recruit engineers without the relevant background and provide on-the-job training. Not only is this expensive, it is not sustainable in the long run. On-the-job training is a short-term solution. Highly talented individuals who need to make a career in the test and validation area look for a good theoretical foothold, which is best provided as part of academic education. I propose to have a panel discussion on the topic of talent development in the test and validation domains, where panelists will debate on practical issues facing the industry and academic institutions, and offer some solutions to overcome these problems.
Moderator: Dr C P Ravikumar
C.P. Ravikumar has 23 years of experience in the industry (Texas Instruments, Controlnet India, and Infosys). I also have 10 years of teaching experience at IIT Delhi. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. More personal information about me is available from cpravikumar.tripod.com. As a secretary of the VLSI Society of India and IEEE CAS Bangalore, I have organized hundreds of workshops, seminars and tutorials. I have been the General Chair and Program Chair of premier events such as the International Conference on VLSI Design and I initiated the VLSI Design and Test Symposium and nurtured it for 16 years as its Generaal Chair. I have conducted more than 25 panel discussions in different conferences. I have also participated as a panelist in a few panel discussions.
Radisson Blu Hotel, Bengaluru Outer Ring Road
Address: 90/4 Outer Ring Road, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, 560037, India
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