Call for Papers

ITC India invites submissions on the latest advances in test, validation and diagnosis of ICs, boards and systems.

Topics of interest include (not limited to):

3D/2.5D Test
Adaptive Test in Practice
ATE/Probe Card Design
Advances in Boundary Scan
Bring Up
Data Driven Methods
Data Exchange and Infrastructure
Defect-Oriented Testing
DFM and Test Diagnosis
Economics of Test
End-to-End Data Analysis
Embedded BIST & DFT
Emerging Defect Mechanisms
Hardware Security and Trust
IoT Testing
Jitter, High-Speed I/O and RF Test
Known-Good-Die testing
Memory Test and Repair
MEMS Testing
Mixed-Signal and Analog Test
New Technologies and Test
On-Chip Test Compression
Online Test
Pre- and Post- Silicon Validation
Power Issues in Test
Protocol-aware Test
Reliability and Resilience
Scan Based Test
SoC/SiP/NoC Test
Silicon Debug
Simulation and Test
System Test (Applications)
System Test (Hardware/Software)
Test-to-Design Feedback
Test Escape Analysis
Test Flow Optimizations
Test Generation and Validation
Test Resource Partitioning
Test Standards
Test Time Analysis and Reduction
Testing High Speed Optics/Photonics
Timing Test
Yield Analysis and Optimization

Regular Papers

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers describing recent work in the field of test and design. In addition, authors are invited to submit high quality, practical, industry best  practices. Submissions simultaneously under review or accepted by another conference, symposium or journal, will be summarily rejected.

Submissions must include:

  • Title of paper.
  • Name, affiliation, e-mail address of each author.
  • The corresponding author(s). ITC will communicate with the corresponding author(s).
  • One or two topic(s) from the topic list, or a description of your topic.
  • An electronic copy of a complete paper up to 10 pages , or an extended summary up to 6 pages. Submissions less than 4 pages are rarely accepted.
  • An abstract of 500 words or less to be entered online.

 Submit your Paper online

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 30th March  2018
  • Author Notification: 18th May 2018.
  • Final Manuscript: 15th June 2018.


Contact Details

Organizing Committee, ITC-India 2018 Bangalore, Karnataka India

Email: [email protected]